Frequently Asked Questions
What is AVID?
AVID is a program structured on the belief that students succeed based on their own determination and hard work. AVID is an elective course for students who earn average to above average grades who may need or want extra support with study skills, organization, and getting ready for college. The goal of the AVID class is to support each student in his/her academic classes and to help guide him/her successfully through a college preparatory path. A major goal of the AVID student is to be accepted into and succeed at a four-year college or university.
Why have I been invited to apply?
Because we hear that you are a motivated student with great potential! You are already doing well in school, and your grades, test scores, and teacher/counselor feedback indicate that you have the potential and desire to do even better.
What will I learn in AVID?
Academic Skills: Time management, Cornell Note-taking, organization, study skills, test taking skills, critical thinking, high school and college reading and writing, inquiry skills, and collaboration skills. AVID students must commit taking Cornell Notes in their academic classes and using an AVID binder.
College and Career Exploration: College and career exploration is done in the first two years, extensive college research happens during the junior year, and senior year is focused on college and scholarship applications.
College Testing Information and Strategies: AVID informs students of tests that are coming up and helps students prepare. In AVID, students will learn test taking strategies and practice applying those strategies on sample questions.
So Much More! AVID guides students through their years in high school. From learning how to email a teacher to service learning to creating a four year plan that ensures the student is meeting all college requirements, AVID helps support motivated students through every step of the way.
Is AVID a class? Do I get credit?
AVID is an elective class. For the first three years, AVID students earn elective credit toward high school graduation. In your senior year, AVID students who take an AP/Honors class both their junior and senior year will earn college preparatory credit (fulfills the “G” requirement for UCs).
Is AVID study hall?
No. If you want a period to do your homework then AVID is not for you. Mondays and Wednesday are focused on “WICOR” (writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization, and reading) lessons, Tuesdays and Thursdays are reserved for Socratic-style group tutorials, and on Fridays we have binder checks and team building activities.
Is AVID remedial?
No. AVID is for students who are already doing well, but have the desire and the potential to do even better. Students who miss many homework assignments and do not already try hard in school should not apply to be part of the AVID program.